Art & Community Engagement

Are you wondering how to create more art and culture in your rural place? Or how to have more community involvement?

You’re in good company! These are common questions if you’re wanting to start something creative locally. I can assist you in working on these and other creative goals for your community. Here are some options:


Project Coaching & Consulting

Coaching and consulting is for you if you want resources and support for your local creative projects or long-term planning. Use this to spark more artistic and cultural development in your place.

We can work together in a couple different ways. With coaching, I’ll ask you questions and hold space for you to trust your instincts towards a solution. With consulting, I’ll offer up ideas and work with you to create more clarity and forward movement in your work. You might prefer a mix of both. Our time is structured around where you want to go using the methods that feel right for you.

Here are some common coaching or consulting topics:

Community engagement strategy

Working with youth and building youth leadership

Building more inclusivity

Navigating project challenges

Working with project partners and funders

Finding the right people

When challenges come up in your community-based projects, you don’t have to work through it alone! I would love to share tools and strategies you can use to navigate the unknown and make your work easier.

How does it work?

Coaching and consulting calls can be online over zoom or by phone. Whether ongoing or a one-time conversation, it’s based on your needs.

Artistic Services

Are you looking to collaborate with me as a visiting artist? I can work with you to design and implement a creative place-based project for your community. This could be an online project, in person, or a mix of both.

How does it work?

Design from scratch. You might already have an idea for a project or a sense that you want to start something locally. Either way, we’ll start with some questions to dig into the purpose for this work. I’ll work with you to get clear on the basics. For example: Who is this for? What degree of community engagement might this project aim for? What is an estimated timeline for this work, as well as budget? I will work with you to explore what could be possible. Your desired level of community engagement will shape what the project becomes.

Use an existing project. Are you looking to bring one of my existing projects to your community? If so, I’ll work with you to design the project to fit your particular community. You can check out my work below.

Contact Me

Explore what art and community engagement services might work best for you. Contact me at or 402.765.8118.



Clients include:
Lyons-Decatur Northeast Public Schools • Prairie Plains Resource Institute • National Endowment for the Arts’ Our Town Program • Epicenter